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Our Blog & Free Resources for Real Estate

In our blog we cover mainly topics about real estate. Our topics cover a wide range of materials such as general real estate knowledge to more specific topics such as covering the processes needed on how to sell your house fast. Since we are a home buying company in Huntsville Al we have the expertise on the whole real estate process from selling your house to buying houses. On top of this, we write on other topics that promote Alabama/Huntsville as a whole. Meet the voice behind these articles.
October 20, 2020
15 Best Places To Live In Alabama In 2022

In every state, there are places that are considered the best to live in, and others that are considered the worst. While what constitutes a good place to live depends in part on opinion, there are many factors that are taken into account in official rankings. There are many good places to live in Alabama […]

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October 18, 2020
How Much Is Google Fiber In Huntsville, AL? Should You Use It?

Google officially announced that Google Fiber is now available in Huntsville, Alabama, and is looking for Internet users to test it before it becomes publicly available. Google Fiber was launched back in 2010, offering speeds of 1 Gigabyte. Ten years later, faster Internet has become a necessity in many homes. This year has made the […]

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October 12, 2020
How much are closing costs in Alabama?

When buying a home, you will find that the down payment is not the only thing you have to pay. Closing costs also need to be paid. Even though many buyers are aware of this, they are often surprised at how big the bill is. These costs can easily shock you, as they come at […]

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