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Our Blog & Free Resources for Real Estate

In our blog we cover mainly topics about real estate. Our topics cover a wide range of materials such as general real estate knowledge to more specific topics such as covering the processes needed on how to sell your house fast. Since we are a home buying company in Huntsville Al we have the expertise on the whole real estate process from selling your house to buying houses. On top of this, we write on other topics that promote Alabama/Huntsville as a whole. Meet the voice behind these articles.
August 16, 2021
How to Flip Real Estate Contracts

As with many of the other challenges faced in life, the real estate business can be tricky to maneuver. It can be difficult to master tasks successfully, especially as a beginner learning the ropes for the first time. One of the benefits of the real estate business is that it has variety, and with the […]

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August 12, 2021
How Is Property Tax Calculated

There are several variables as to how property taxes are calculated. The three significant variables that go into this calculation are the assessed value of your home or property, the assessed value of other homes in your area, and the government's annual budget. These numbers are used to determine the tax rate, also known as the […]

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July 14, 2021
How to add a second floor to an existing house?

Expanding the floor space of your home can be an intriguing concept! It does, however, come at a cost, and adding a second floor is a larger commitment and effort than many people think when they begin. But, can we agree that the ability to remain in the same community you've known for years or […]

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